2015年9月30日 星期三

為什麼喝檸檬水對你有好處? Why is drinking lemon water is good for you?

It doesn't contain any fat, and there is very little sugar in a lemon, so it definitely won't add to your belly. 

Lemon water is good for you because lemons contain several antioxidants (which help your body protect itself) and they contain vitamin C, which helps your skin, teeth, nails, immune system, and so on. And they are alkaline once its inside your body!!!

Vitamin C also increases the amount of other nutrients you absorb, such as iron and calcium and helps with cleansing, so that's why its good for you. For more detail, either read the 10 days smoothie detox diet book or google it.

I were told to get 6 to 10 glasses of water a day, but some people will not drink water without a flavouring in it, and lemon is one of the best because it is virtually calorie and sugar free. If you get bored with lemon, try some lime juice.

As according to Haylie Pomroy in "The Fast Metabolism Diet" book, she explained why you should drink loads of water to detox especially when you are on the high protein day of diet. Just like cleaning the toilet, you have to use water to wash away the toxin.

So how much water to drink if you are on such high protein diet like Dukan Diet, Beach Diet, Protein Diet or whatever similar. According to Haylie Pomroy, you have to drink around half of the body weight in lb divided by 2 in oz. Let's use myself as an example, I am 206lb now, and I have to drink 103oz of water everyday. 

So in my upcoming Dukan Diet, I am going to modify this diet a bit to all these suggestion from these excellent nutritionist.

And from seeing the nutritionist for 2 months, a successful diet is all about planning and willpower to execute. I hope I can stay put this time once and for all. Good luck to myself.

為什麼代糖不利於你的健康? Why is artificial sweetener bad for your health?

Artificial sweetener like aspartame is (code 951, brand name NutraSweet and Equal) being used in Coke Zero, Coke Light and all sort of other Diet Soda. 

Aspartame is 200 times sweetener than normal sugar and medical practitioners have often referred to it as a known carcinogen, meaning that it’s poisonous. However, the food and dietary association has passed aspartame as being a safe product for us to consume within reason. What reason is this I wonder?

I, once heard from a doctor friend that Coke Zero may cause lower of brain function, memory all that but I am too lazy to find out whether that's true but I kept drinking thinking that as long as it is sugar free, I can drink as much as I can to ease my fat belly hunger, haha! (I was a heavier Coke Zero consumer with at least 4 to 5 cans a day!!!!)

I didn't sip a single bit now of course, after reading the book from Haylie Pomroy on "The Fast Metabolism Diet", for which it is so fxcking hard to follow over in Hong Kong as it is so hard and expensive to buy all the food ingredients, even if I could find it, it takes hell lot of long time to prepare and cook. After trying for 2 days, I have given up on it though I must admit her diet is super health diet and if you can follow, by all means.

Aspartame is certainly, not the only artificial sweetener in the fcuking world, there are some of them below:
- acesulfame K
- aspartame
- saccharin
- sorbitol 
- sucralose
- xylitol
- steviol glycosides (stevia plant extracts)

As far as I know from Googling, Steviol is the ONLY safe artificial sweetener that human can consumer thanks to the 10 days smoothie detox diet book, but it is never cheap, I got it from a health store in Mongkok around $110 for 100 packs. Use wisely and don't depend on it!

為什麼精製糖不利於你的健康? Why Sugar Is Toxic To The Body?

Why Sugar Is Toxic To The Body?

It is poison, of course! The fact is that there are 7 table spoon in a Coke, do you think the rest of the drink that you can buy from 7-11 content very little sugar? Even when it said it is "light" or "low in sugar", that's all BS!

Here is a link to one of the research from Dr. William Coda Martin. See for yourself. http://www.globalhealingcenter.com/sugar-problem/refined-sugar-the-sweetest-poison-of-all

Just google for it and you will find a lot of bad thing about refined sugar (White Sugar in any kind or form)


這裡是一個鏈接,從威廉·科達馬丁博士的研究。 http://www.globalhealingcenter.com/sugar-problem/refined-sugar-the-sweetest-poison-of-all

只是Google it,你會發現很多精製糖的壞事(白糖任何種類或形式)

2015年9月29日 星期二

21-7-2015 減肥第一步


記得幾年前,當初也是太肥,已242lb了。加上正在攪離婚,決定從過新生,決定用Protein Diet減肥法。在三個月內減掉了59.4lb 到 183lb, 是我減肥人生中最大的成就。


兩個月前試過多次用回Protein Diet,但都放棄了,又吃過減肥藥,市面買到的減肥成藥,一直都起不了作用,怎至更重。


營養師是用Food Exchange Diet,另外開一些三晚的消脂餐給我。頭一個星期瘦了兩磅。中途去了台灣六天。沒肥了但也浪費了一星期。兩個月後才瘦了14lb, 感覺真的太慢,常常被太太抱怨太慢,不覺得我減了一丁點。真的得沮喪!

偶爾間在網上看到排毒減肥法,説可以十天減十磅,於是便試試看了。老實說真的很難受,過了五天已經受不了。偷偷吃了冬瓜肉粒湯飯 :P


在網上又找到另外一本像是Protein Diet的書,叫做Dukan Diet。所以決定要再努力減肥,每日寫下日記。又下個星期一開始。今個星期主要是用food exchange diet 去維持吧。不想減掉的20lb 化為烏有。