2015年9月30日 星期三

為什麼喝檸檬水對你有好處? Why is drinking lemon water is good for you?

It doesn't contain any fat, and there is very little sugar in a lemon, so it definitely won't add to your belly. 

Lemon water is good for you because lemons contain several antioxidants (which help your body protect itself) and they contain vitamin C, which helps your skin, teeth, nails, immune system, and so on. And they are alkaline once its inside your body!!!

Vitamin C also increases the amount of other nutrients you absorb, such as iron and calcium and helps with cleansing, so that's why its good for you. For more detail, either read the 10 days smoothie detox diet book or google it.

I were told to get 6 to 10 glasses of water a day, but some people will not drink water without a flavouring in it, and lemon is one of the best because it is virtually calorie and sugar free. If you get bored with lemon, try some lime juice.

As according to Haylie Pomroy in "The Fast Metabolism Diet" book, she explained why you should drink loads of water to detox especially when you are on the high protein day of diet. Just like cleaning the toilet, you have to use water to wash away the toxin.

So how much water to drink if you are on such high protein diet like Dukan Diet, Beach Diet, Protein Diet or whatever similar. According to Haylie Pomroy, you have to drink around half of the body weight in lb divided by 2 in oz. Let's use myself as an example, I am 206lb now, and I have to drink 103oz of water everyday. 

So in my upcoming Dukan Diet, I am going to modify this diet a bit to all these suggestion from these excellent nutritionist.

And from seeing the nutritionist for 2 months, a successful diet is all about planning and willpower to execute. I hope I can stay put this time once and for all. Good luck to myself.

