2015年9月30日 星期三

為什麼代糖不利於你的健康? Why is artificial sweetener bad for your health?

Artificial sweetener like aspartame is (code 951, brand name NutraSweet and Equal) being used in Coke Zero, Coke Light and all sort of other Diet Soda. 

Aspartame is 200 times sweetener than normal sugar and medical practitioners have often referred to it as a known carcinogen, meaning that it’s poisonous. However, the food and dietary association has passed aspartame as being a safe product for us to consume within reason. What reason is this I wonder?

I, once heard from a doctor friend that Coke Zero may cause lower of brain function, memory all that but I am too lazy to find out whether that's true but I kept drinking thinking that as long as it is sugar free, I can drink as much as I can to ease my fat belly hunger, haha! (I was a heavier Coke Zero consumer with at least 4 to 5 cans a day!!!!)

I didn't sip a single bit now of course, after reading the book from Haylie Pomroy on "The Fast Metabolism Diet", for which it is so fxcking hard to follow over in Hong Kong as it is so hard and expensive to buy all the food ingredients, even if I could find it, it takes hell lot of long time to prepare and cook. After trying for 2 days, I have given up on it though I must admit her diet is super health diet and if you can follow, by all means.

Aspartame is certainly, not the only artificial sweetener in the fcuking world, there are some of them below:
- acesulfame K
- aspartame
- saccharin
- sorbitol 
- sucralose
- xylitol
- steviol glycosides (stevia plant extracts)

As far as I know from Googling, Steviol is the ONLY safe artificial sweetener that human can consumer thanks to the 10 days smoothie detox diet book, but it is never cheap, I got it from a health store in Mongkok around $110 for 100 packs. Use wisely and don't depend on it!

